Kickstart Disk 1.2 hints Blk x038-x039 'The Amiga Wizards bring this power to you' Blk x107-x108 'Brought to you by not a mere Wizard, but the Wizard Extaordinaire: Dale Luck!' Blk x1A2 'Kodiak andy carl' ------------- Blk x019-x01A 'Guru Meditation' and other Alert text Blk x152 'Please insert volume'... text Blk x167,x175 paths for Workbench format and initialize functions Blk x180-x181 Workbench's menu's text Blk x1A7 'Software error - task held' ... Blk x1AC many DOS msgs Blk x1BF 'C:RUN' for execute mebbe? Blk x1C6 'CON:0/0/640/200/AmigaDOS' Blk x1C7 ':S/STARTUP-SEQUENCE' and CLI boot text Blk x1C8 'DEVS:SYSTEM-CONFIGURATION' and other good stuff Blk x1CC,x1CE many CLI msgs like 'Unknown command'